A Message for Moms 💌
"If we know where to focus, the healing and transformation work to be done can happen so much more effectively, in ways that benefit ourselves, our families, and our entire civilization.
The root of the distortional program is deriving a sense of self worth not from your Self as Source, but from doing for others."
In this week's vlog https://lnkd.in/griZKucG the message is geared directly toward mothers, but is intended to alert everyone who has a mother (that's you) about the hidden traps of a life overly focused on service to others. The message also offers template displacement by your own Higher Self.
If you are a mom, this may be a good year to go beyond celebrating distortional constructs of what it means to be a mother and, instead, re-create motherhood for yourself and your family.
I’ve spent the last 16+ years since I conceived my daughter examining the martyr and self-sacrifice programs embedded in our current constructs of motherhood, keenly aware that how I show up as a mom directly shapes the way my daughter will do so.
I hope you enjoy this week’s message (and activation). Let me know! Leave me a comment below the video. I know many of you have been on your own journey of motherhood and I would love it if you’d contribute to the conversation 💗
Finally, would you be a good fairy and share this message with the mothers in your life you think would appreciate it? Many people are on the verge of letting go of these negative patterns and just need a little help and encouragement.
Appreciate these videos? You can "buy me a coffee" https://lnkd.in/guveshwv or make a donation https://lnkd.in/gGzdSnQ5 Thank you!
In Unity 🌐
A’sha Love
Multidimensional U®
P.S. Looking for the ultimate gift for mom? One that will be sure to enhance her inner glimmer? The first meditation in my new series dropped on May 1st! Click here to learn more about this 3-part series designed to increase your light quotient: https://lnkd.in/grgB2awR ✨