Sunsetting the Old You
My gentle invitation this week is to stay very present with yourself so that you may see the ways in which you might still be denying the truth of who you are. Maybe you’re in denial about how others’ expectations are keeping you in patterns that you’re ready to evolve beyond?
Many of you are stepping boldly into your innate multidimensional abilities in service to the planet at this time. This can bring up resistance. Your willingness to surrender to what is calling you forward is a prerequisite for unlocking the magic that is waiting for you.
Listen to the full message here:
With LOVE,
Innergalactic Shaman
Founder, Multidimensional U ®

Do you crave a commUNITY of like-minded peers that is warm, generous, and authentic? This band of brilliant souls journeyed a long way to be here together at this time of Ascension on planet Earth.They are bold, courageous, and willing to step beyond their fears. These folks are the real deal. Ready to join their ranks? Learn more about the Multidimensional U CommUNITY and apply to The Emergence Experience here.