Unleash New Potentials & Meet Our Multidimensional U Family
This week, I invite you to meet the family behind Multidimensional U. We just came out of team retreat at a sacred hot springs. Wow, did we do some powerful work together!
Without the support of these brilliant ladies, MDU would not be what it is. In fact, this isn't just a company, but a field of consciousness, a series of codes and templates seeking to inform the physical dimension at this time. How lucky are we to bring it into the world of form?!
The message I was told everyone needs to hear right now is to work with higher dimensional potentials as you move into the near future. Let go of referencing the past for what is possible. That's old data.
Listen to the full message here:
With LOVE,
Innergalactic Shaman
Founder, Multidimensional U ®

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