Jude and I Share Our Journey With You
I thought it would be nice for you to hear from both me and my husband as we revisit what it has been like to be both ahead and behind one another in our mutual journeys of awakening. Check out the eagle that flies by at minute 8:15 as a beautiful affirmation when Jude is talking about following his heart!
“The outer illusion is the major preoccupation of the ego. The ego-idea has been with us ever since we began to think. It sends us false messages about our true nature. It leads us to make assumptions about what will make us happy and we end up frustrated. It pushes us to promote our self-importance while we yearn for a deeper and richer life experience. It causes us to fall into the void of self-absorption again and again, not knowing that we need only shed the false idea of who we are.
Our true self is eternal. It is the God force within us. The way of our higher self is to reflect our inner reality rather than the outer illusion.” - Wayne Dyer
Listen to the full message here:
With LOVE,
Innergalactic Shaman
Founder, Multidimensional U ®

Would you like to spend a day with me in the heart of the Rocky Mountains? I invite you to learn more about how to book a private day with me in one of the most beautiful and wild places on the planet. We’ll tune in to what is wanting to emerge for you during this incredible time of ascension on planet Earth! By application only. Individuals and couples welcome.