
A note from Aja and Jude...
Hello, Bright Light!
These are unusual times… perhaps even extraordinary, in the way that the entire planet is experiencing deep disruption. It’s almost as if an intermission in the play of life and “business as usual” just occurred and we’re on standby.
While in this state of limbo (not where we were, but not yet where we are going next), we have a choice: stay on the surface of your experience, listening to external authority figures and waiting impatiently to return to normal life or… lean in deeply to the core of your being and open up to higher dimensional wisdom of your Inner Guidance.
It’s clear from the survey responses we received that many of you are concerned about the health and well-being of the planet and her people. From the virus pandemic to ocean health and child welfare, the issues you raised all have one thing in common - the need for a shift in consciousness so that love, peace and harmony prevail.
This Earth Day (April 22), join us in a free meditation for an exploration of how we can move out of crisis into conscious creation of a better world using consciousness-based technology. As Albert Einstein wisely said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.“
This means that the “next level” solutions to the very real challenges many humans are experiencing won’t come from more of the same thinking. They will come from an evolutionary embodiment - from homo sapiens to homo luminous - in which we reconnect with the expansive intelligence of our Multidimensional Self, an incredible field of consciousness that is not limited to linear time or the human body.
“You are moving in the direction of seeking inward for answers to seemingly external problems. This internal alchemy is a shift in the vibrational template of your being. The more harmonic, life-giving frequency of thought and emotion has a direct effect on your experience of the physical world by rearranging form itself. Many of you have direct experience of this.”
Once activated, people will be able to access parts of their multidimensional intelligence that have been dormant. This is technology transfer, from within. At this point, your physical reality will be informed from a higher dimensional set of perspectives and abilities. The human race will make a quantum leap forward. You are being called to self-organize into community and collaboration for amplified, sustained impact... including benefits you can’t currently imagine are possible.”
-Humanity’s Higher Self
As I was channeling in preparation for this meditation event, I was shown that the healing humanity seeks lies in the substrate of physical reality, in the vibrational field that underlies all physical forms. We must have the courage and conviction now to claim our birthright of unconditional love and happiness for no reason other than our very existence. It’s time to bring forward a new level of embodiment that allows us to evolve in real-time, using innate multidimensional aspects and abilities.
You have all the answers within, you already have the key to your health, your happiness, your success and your self-realization. Together, we will make these aspects and abilities available to your consciousness, integrating them into your day-to-day reality.
If you are interested in learning more about this next quantum leap we are in the process of co-creating, we’re delighted to offer you a free event in which we’ll share channeled information about the topics below, followed by a guided meditation to dive into powerful multidimensional collaboration for Planet Earth!
How all of your personal development (and healing) efforts are about to pay off for you and the planet.
Why consciousness-based technologies hold keys to a better future most people don’t know exist.
Why mainstream is now moving in this direction.
Why this movement is for everyONE.
What you can do to participate in shifting the conscious collective from crisis to co-creation.
Meditation guided by myself, Aja Andromeda
You’ll also have an opportunity to learn more about how you can participate in a unique world-wide movement we will be announcing during this online event.
FREE Earth Day meditation
April 22, 2020 at 3pm MDT / 5pm EDT
If you are camera-shy, not to worry! This event will feature only me and my husband Jude on the screen. And if you’re not able to make it live, a replay will be sent out to you.
I hope you’ll join us!
With LOVE,
Aja Andromeda & Jude Trapani
Multidimensional U®

Sign up for the Earth Day online meditation event and reserve your spot now
Wednesday, April 22nd @ 3pm MDT | 5pm EDT