This Is An Unprecedented Opportunity To Create A New Normal
"You must understand that there is conscious intention working in pre-matter states of consciousness that allow you to change your...
This Is Our Priority as StarSeed Wayshowers Right Now
"Ascension is well underway. The process of un-foldment for many people begins with casting off the outer shell which binds them in a...
February Forecast
We are in a period of amplified and accelerated ascension, which means that we are being asked to release more of what is no longer in...
Winter Wonderland
"Someday at Christmas there'll be no wars When we have learned what Christmas is for When we have found what life's really worth There'll...
Let's Make a Radical, Vertical Shift To Embody New Earth
"As we make a radical, vertical shift we become the foundation for New Earth." I AM following my higher directive to radically shift my...
A Powerful New Starkid Stargate Is Up and Running
"We can all take responsibility, rather than projecting blame, for the current state of the planet." Listen in to this week's vlog below,...
We Are Rebuilding Reality from a Different Level of Consciousness
"We are in a rapid advancement in our evolution as a species, based in the expansion of our consciousness". The kinds of shifts we'd like...
This Is What Humanity Told Me "Needs to be said"
I've been sick this entire week. Why? Because I'm expanding beyond my comfort zone and my body (sore throat and sinus) is clearing out...
There is no mainstream
As I move forward, despite my ego's resistance, into my next level of service, I was gifted a very helpful perspective shift this week....
That moment when you realize "This is all a lie"
I AM steadfastly committed to expansion (growth)... beyond a Cartesian worldview toward ever greater comprehensiveness. This commitment...