A Powerful Light Technique for You in Dark Times✨
During these dark times (both literal and figurative), I want to share a powerful technique I was given after conducting some grid work....
Quantum Results Don't Come from Efforting {from the archives}
I've been channeling a lot of profound wisdom during the private sessions of The Emergence Experience this week.
Awakening Can Be A Lonely Road {from the archives}
This week's vlog from the archives acknowledges the experience many of us have during our awakening journey, the feeling of loneliness. ...
Laughter is a radical act 😂 {from the archives}
"Laughter is the very best medicine, for it loosens the hold on the rigid energetic structures that have found their way into your...
Come Back to Neutral
I'm following my inner guidance to take major time off into the fall, slowing down and tuning in to develop more of my "inner tech". My...
Reinvention of the Human Race
"There is life after death. This is a timely message as the entire human race is inviting itself into a new experience of itself. What...
Discernment Using the Law of Vibration
"Each thing that exists is identified by its own unique vibrational frequency. ...Our thoughts, emotions, and will send out vibrations......
We Are Discovering Our Individual & Collective Blind Spots
"The races that have achieved the heights of evolution, who enjoy a co-creative experience of unity within and without, are those that...
This Is An Ability We Need More Than Ever Right Now
"I come to you with a message of great hope. This is the great shift out of separation consciousness that is required by each human who...
Humanity Is Walking Along the Edge of Its Understanding
In this week's vlog, recorded on the East Fork of the Bitterroot River, I share what I'm seeing and hearing in the field of the human...