A Powerful Light Technique for You in Dark Times✨
During these dark times (both literal and figurative), I want to share a powerful technique I was given after conducting some grid work....

Let go of planning
I'm taking some time off until the fall, slowing down, taking a mental vacation, and being in stillness more. This is the perfect time...

Ascended Master Yeshua on External Reality
I'm taking some time off until the fall, slowing down, doing less... so that my next level of embodiment can self-facilitate without...

We Are Discovering Our Individual & Collective Blind Spots
"The races that have achieved the heights of evolution, who enjoy a co-creative experience of unity within and without, are those that...

We Are Breaching Our Emotional Dams
In this week's vlog, I reflect on the multidimensional response we are facilitating in response to these extraordinary times. As the...

This Is An Unprecedented Opportunity To Create A New Normal
"You must understand that there is conscious intention working in pre-matter states of consciousness that allow you to change your...

A Powerful New Starkid Stargate Is Up and Running
"We can all take responsibility, rather than projecting blame, for the current state of the planet." Listen in to this week's vlog below,...

We Are Powerful Beyond Measure, But Not In the Way You Think
"Our power does not come from the mind... The source of our true power comes from the heart portal". The human collective has entered a...

The Rebuilding of Inter-dimensional Race Relations Is Underway
"May brother see brother and sister see sister with pure hearts and true intent. The rebuilding of race relations is well underway in...

What Hawk Taught Me About Support
“Move yourself into the slipstream of upwelling support and then... soar". -Hawk In this weekly message I’m sharing with you my...