Come Back to Neutral
I'm following my inner guidance to take major time off into the fall, slowing down and tuning in to develop more of my "inner tech". My...
Reinvention of the Human Race
"There is life after death. This is a timely message as the entire human race is inviting itself into a new experience of itself. What...
Accountability | Being Responsible For Our Shadow |
I'm taking some time off until the fall, slowing down, doing less... so that my next level of embodiment can self-facilitate without...
Ascended Master Yeshua on External Reality
I'm taking some time off until the fall, slowing down, doing less... so that my next level of embodiment can self-facilitate without...
This Is An Ability We Need More Than Ever Right Now
"I come to you with a message of great hope. This is the great shift out of separation consciousness that is required by each human who...
The Spiritual Closet from a Pleaidian Perspective
As part of my soul purpose work to support people on their metaphysical awakening journey, I often channel the encouragement from higher...
The Arcturians on Ascension Symptoms
"We will only ever bring information to you about your now because you can always change the linear future from the now. But if you are...
This Is What Humanity Told Me "Needs to be said"
I've been sick this entire week. Why? Because I'm expanding beyond my comfort zone and my body (sore throat and sinus) is clearing out...
How We Collectively Create New Earth
The fundamental contract that we agreed to as Wayshower StarSeeds is to invert the distortions and negative programs (fear-based...
Channeled Message from the Ancient Annunaki
Excerpt from a Private Session with Aja (January 2017) Question: Will I need retirement benefits in the future? Answer from Ancient...