We Have An Amazing Opportunity to Evolve
We are being presented with an incredible opportunity to evolve, as individuals and as a world commUNITY. If we use this time well, we...

Discernment Using the Law of Vibration
"Each thing that exists is identified by its own unique vibrational frequency. ...Our thoughts, emotions, and will send out vibrations......

The work ahead of us. Clearing out distortion.
As I took some time to reflect on how best to show up for humanity at this time, I was gifted with a powerful insight. It's time to leave...

✨ How to Avoid Creating the Same Old Tired Reality
As we continue in an accelerated ascension (the return to Source awareness), we must face our shadow. What have we done to transgress...

This Is An Ability We Need More Than Ever Right Now
"I come to you with a message of great hope. This is the great shift out of separation consciousness that is required by each human who...

Deconstruction Allows Us to Align with Our Higher Timeline
We can't build out anything new if we're still distracted energetically by the way we've always done things. The huge leap in...

This Is Our Priority as StarSeed Wayshowers Right Now
"Ascension is well underway. The process of un-foldment for many people begins with casting off the outer shell which binds them in a...

February Forecast
We are in a period of amplified and accelerated ascension, which means that we are being asked to release more of what is no longer in...

You've heard of an intelligence quotient. What is a light quotient?
In the course of helping thousands of people on their metaphysical awakening journey over the last decade, I’ve noticed an unexpected...

The Spiritual Closet from a Pleaidian Perspective
As part of my soul purpose work to support people on their metaphysical awakening journey, I often channel the encouragement from higher...