Your Spirit Guide Has a Message for You! 😇
Every spirit guide I've ever channeled has one thing in common. They know you better than you know yourself. Why? Well, because they...
It's Time To Unpack Those Boxes (with Love) 💗💙💚
I hope you've been enjoying the Healing Renaissance video series and experiencing the magic during these 12 Days of Shift! Your comments...
The 12 Days of Shift Are Here ✨ Day 1: Let's Shift Shame to LOVE 💗
In case you missed my previous email, I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to the 12 Days of Shift! Today marks the beginning of...
Announcing... 12 Days of Shift! ✨
Yesterday I underwent an unexpected upgrade to my embodiment. As usual, I had to take a nap to integrate! Just as I was about to doze...
This is How I Got My Magic Back 💗 (You Can, Too!)
I'm excited to share that The Emergence Experience is back, following my extended retreat last year. This transformative journey has...