The Metaphysics of Multidimensional Activism
In this week's vlog, I share a powerful recent download about the physics behind our global meditation work.

We Are Discovering Our Individual & Collective Blind Spots
"The races that have achieved the heights of evolution, who enjoy a co-creative experience of unity within and without, are those that...

The work ahead of us. Clearing out distortion.
As I took some time to reflect on how best to show up for humanity at this time, I was gifted with a powerful insight. It's time to leave...

✨ How to Avoid Creating the Same Old Tired Reality
As we continue in an accelerated ascension (the return to Source awareness), we must face our shadow. What have we done to transgress...

This Is An Ability We Need More Than Ever Right Now
"I come to you with a message of great hope. This is the great shift out of separation consciousness that is required by each human who...